Sunday, August 16, 2009

All-Round Muscle

The Power of Kettle-Bell (KB)

  • Optimise Fat Burn
  • Build your Core
  • Increase Stamina
  • Fitter & Stronger
  • Escape Injury

KettleBell is one of the most basic pieces of fitness equipment around, not to mention the cheapest, but one KB can give you the ultimate, total-body workout.

It looks like a relic from a some forgotten contruction site. And true to form the KB is a remarkable piece of building kit. Armed with a single 4kg or 24kg bell, you can throw up walls of muscle, wreck sheets of useless flab and lay the foundations for lifelong fitness.

Who discovered it? No one knows for use. But the KB was being used for training as long as 100 years ago in Germany. Then, with the advent of the gym, it fell into disuse everywhere but Russia where soldiers still train with it today.

Recently, however, America rediscovered the KB as a multifaceted and effective piece of exercise equipment. Now the KB is coming to Gyms in UK, AU even small country like Singapore & Malaysia - and back gardens too. A single bell, all you need for a complete and arduous workout.

Its genius is the best-kept secret in fitness. A study by Russian Military showed recruits who trained only with KB could run faster than comrades who had trained by running alone. "Power lifters who normally lift hundreds of kilos in competition were able to improve by training with just 24kg KB,"All you need for a complete workout is a single KB," says KB expert around the world.

KB can be use as

  • Muscle Builder
  • Dynamic Workout
  • Fat Burner
  • Core Strength
  • Body Conditioning
  • Lean & Sculpt
  • Inner Strength

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