Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is CrossFitz?

CrossFitz is a strength and conditioning fitness methodology. Its stated goal is to create "the quintessential athlete, equal parts gymnast, Olympic weightlifter, sprinter, rower and 800meter runner." Another word, you train your body to be a champion to face many fitness obstacles. Crossfitz is not sport-specific and promotes broad and general overall physical fitness. Its growing popularity has been fueled by a virtual community Internet model.

This principal of strength and conditioning program is so popular that many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide are using them daily in their workout regime.

CrossFitz maintains that proficiency is required in each of 10 fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy. CrossFitz says it increases work capacity and speed in these domains by provoking neurologic and hormonal adaptations across all metabolic pathways. The program's weightlifting component includes complex, compound movements with heavy loads.

CrossFitz also uses kettlebells, gymnastic rings, pull-up bars and many calisthenics exercises. CrossFitz may call on athletes to run, row, climb ropes, jump up on boxes, flip giant tires, and carry odd objects. They can also bounce medicine balls against the floor or a target on a wall.

CrossFit workouts typically call for athletes to work hard and fast, often with no rest. Many CrossFitz gyms use scoring and ranking systems, transforming workouts into sport.

Most gym in the world that offers CrossFitz also offers "Boot Camp" or "Elements of CrossFitz" introductory classes for beginners.

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